Two kingdoms were locked in a long battle. Growing tired of it, Amaterasu, goddess of the sun summoned a golden dragon, instructing her to end the war. Taking the form of a female warrior, the golden dragon sided with one of the kingdoms tipping the balance of power. Unhappy with the inference, Tsuki-Yumi, god of the moon sent a silver dragon.

This dragon took the form of a male warrior and joined the opposing kingdom’s side. These two warriors led their clans in a massive battle. Yet, something strange happened when the two warriors met in battle; love at first sight! They would not raise arms anymore, and these emotions had a harmonizing effect across both kingdoms.

The fighting stopped, and they all united to become the mightiest and more prosperous single kingdom. Peace and love are now the symbols for the biggest civilization under the rising sun.
A long howl echoes over nocturnal ice, and a fearsome silhouette rises in the cold moonlight. The air glitters with dread, for a great spirit prowls the snowy wastes tonight.

Sharp eyes pierce the shadows, ever alert, for this is his domain – the land of the Alpha Spirit. Chieftain in this beastly realm, by tooth and claw he brings protection and prosperity to his territory and loyal pack.

Are you cunning and strong enough to master your own destiny, to take the prize and unleash your Alpha Spirit?

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