Welcome to the most exhilarating slot game in town: Caramelo Jackpot! Enter into a realm of excitement and entertainment where the reels whirl with captivating vigor! Are you ready to seize the opportunity and witness the enchantment unfold before your eyes? Imagine this: you're lounging in the lively streets of Brazil, savoring a refreshing caipirinha, when suddenly, you glimpse the iconic brown fur and friendly smile of Cachorro Caramelo!

Indeed, our reels are overflowing with the delightful charisma of the Mixed Breed Caramel Dog, poised to bring you fortune and delight with each whirl! But hold on, because Caramelo Jackpot isn't your ordinary slot game. No, it's a pulse-pounding escapade that will keep you at the edge of your seat! With every whirl, you'll sense the rush of adrenaline as you pursue those extraordinary wins! Leave behind the dull slots of yesteryears, for Caramelo Jackpot is set to transform your gaming escapade!

Featuring vibrant visuals, infectious melodies, and a dash of Brazilian flair, you'll be grinning from ear to ear as you witness those reels dance! And the most exciting aspect? The thrill of uncertainty and reward permeates the air! With each whirl, you'll feel your heartbeat quicken with anticipation, pondering if this might just be the instant you strike it rich! So, why hesitate? Seize your lucky charm, awaken your inner adventurer, and let's embark on the most exhilarating slot journey you've ever experienced!

With Caramelo Jackpot, every whirl presents a chance to win big and craft unforgettable memories!
Welcome to Brazil Farm: Where the Rainforest Meets the Reels! Brace yourself for a wild adventure unparalleled in the world of slot games! This game is more exhilarating than samba! Designed by AI, the stunning graphics and immersive gameplay will transport you to a carnival float, celebrating your wins in grand style! Get ready to spin, win, and burst into laughter with Brazil Farm! Seize the opportunity and delve into the thrilling world of majestic nature, complete with wild animals and exciting bonuses!

The Brazil Solar serves as the Wild symbol in Brazil Farm. When it lands anywhere on the reels, it substitutes for any other symbol, except the “Chest of Gold” symbol. One Wild Symbol can replace only one symbol. During the bonus game, the Wild can persist for multiple spins, with each subsequent spin potentially adding more sticky wilds to the reel.

The Chest of Gold acts as the Scatter symbol in Brazil Farm. It can appear anywhere on the reels and awards additional free spins to the player! In Brazil Farm, there's a unique feature called the "Banana Mini Slot" (1 row and 3 reels - Banana Reels) positioned above the standard 3-row and 5-reel slot - Fruity Reels.
As the crowd gathers in the grandstands, the low mumbles of voices start to intensify as “9” the thoroughbred stallion takes his place at the starting line waiting for his moment to race to glory. Join in on this momentous occasion and cheer on our favorite horse, as 9 Races To Glory, and stand a chance to win big with Jockey’s Pays and you could be the lucky 1st prize winner! More scatters means more money!

Play for the 9 escalating Scatters which can win you up to 2000x your bet! Land 3 Free Spins symbols, and take your shot at the wheel with the potential to trigger 30 spins all line wins pay x3.
Are you ready for the excitement of the biggest football tournament on the planet? Now you can take your Cup Fever to the next level and spin your way to glory in Hot Shots Megaways. Land enough Golden Balls in view and you will trigger the Cash Respins, where cash values, or one of three Jackpots, are collected and will reset the respins every time a new one lands.

Fill an entire reel with Golden Balls during the Cash Respins and all the values on that reel will be multiplied by the number of spaces on the reel for epic wins. Look out for the lucrative “Max Megaways” modifier, which guarantees to land seven symbols on each reel for the maximum 117,649 ways and a shot at multiple cascades.
Developed by Gaming Corps exclusively for ATG®, this game is only available on ATG® Casino.

Welcome to the wonderful world of Trotting! Inspired by legendary horse Delicious, this trotting themed casino slot brings the joy and anticipation of the racetrack to your fingertips. Make it to the trotting race bonus game and race the horse of your choice to the finish line where prizes await.

If fortune is on your side, you may be challenged by Delicious at the end of the race and collect a premium prize. See you on the racetrack!
Get ready to fire up your slot fortunes as you prepare for kick-off on the much-anticipated sequel to our hugely popular soccer-themed slot, Hot Shots.

Hot Shots 2 takes the proven successful base game from the original Hot Shots, but supercharges the whole experience during Free Spins, with an unlimited increasing win multiplier.
Whilst the entire world is going gaga over the World Cup this summer, offer your players some top-quality slot action with Hot Shots, an unforgettable football fiesta!

Featuring five top teams, each depicted by cartoon characters representing their country, Hot Shots will keep your players on the edge of their seats as the action unfolds with expanding wilds and stunning payouts. And things really heat up in the Free Spins round, where all wins are tripled to offer payouts of world-beating proportions.
Bullseye is 243 Ways video slot, based on the 1980s UK TV game where amateur darts player and quizzer compete for cash and prizes. This medium volatility video slot game includes Wild Symbols and Free Spin feature.
Cats and Cash was first released in 2012 and later re-released 2018-07-05 with upgraded UI and technology (to HTML5) and the game includes a wild symbol (the Show host), a scatter symbol (the gold fish) and two bonus symbols (the wheel and the box).

The wild symbol substitutes for any of the other reel symbols except the gold fish, wheel and box and is used to comprise winning combinations. A winning combination that includes a wild symbol pays double the normal prize. Two or more scatter symbols anywhere on the reels constitutes a win.

In Cats and Cash, three or more wheel symbols on any active line triggers the Wheel of Fortune bonus round. Three or more box symbols on any active line triggers the Pick A Box bonus round.

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