Enter the vibrant world of Jackbox Pearl Upgrade, SwinttPremium's latest gaming innovation. This slot game offers a nostalgic nod to traditional symbols, featuring an array of classic fruit icons and radiant 7s.

Prepare yourself for an exhilarating ride through this slot's high volatility, where the chance to win up to 2,500 times your bet awaits. At the heart of the Jackbox Pearl Upgrade experience lies the captivating Pearl Feature. What sets this feature apart is its unique Pearl Upgrade twist. Whenever a new Pearl lands on the reels, it triggers upgrades for other Pearls in the same reel, row, or both, adding an element of excitement to every spin.

Spin the reels, pursue those Pearls, and immerse yourself in the excitement of Jackbox Pearl Upgrade!

During the Pearl Feature, each reel divides in half, transforming the table into a 6-reel, 3-row setup. This feature activates when 6 pearls land on the reels. The paired Pearls from the trigger split into singles and are positioned accordingly on the new reels. Once in play, the Pearls remain fixed. Each new Pearl resets the remaining Free Spins to 3. The Pearl Feature concludes either when all Free Spins are exhausted or when all positions are filled with Pearls. Should the latter occur, the MEGA Prize of 1000 times the bet is awarded.

Pearl Upgrades exclusively occur during Free Spins. After each spin, any new Pearls enhance others in the same reel, row, or both, progressively boosting their value.

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