Are you prepared to experience the pinnacle of excitement in your gaming journey? Your search ends here with Mighty Symbols™: Diamonds – the ultimate game that guarantees not just thrilling entertainment, but also incredible winnings.

With a captivating array of features, no player can resist the allure of this game. The beloved Free Spins bonus round has been taken to new heights with the addition of the Giant Wild symbol with a random multiplier, adding a dynamic twist to your gameplay. Get ready for an adventure filled with excitement and endless opportunities to win big!
Step into the Sci-Fi universe of BTG, where a Wild portal serves as the gateway to a realm of immense wins and free spins. Wild Portals takes you into a futuristic dimension of online slot machines. Big Time Gaming pioneers a world-first by combining Megaways™ with Win Exchange™ in a sleek style that appeals to all demographics. Wild Portals™ is a six-reel slot featuring Big Time Gaming’s unique Megaways™, offering up to 117,649 ways to win.

With every spin, a 2x2 Wild Portal can appear on reels 2 to 5. When this Wild portal activates, it removes all instances of the revealed symbol and increases a multiplier on the Wild. Wins are then calculated with the Wild Multiplier applied. Dive into a brand-new wild experience with Wild Portals!

The Wild Portal Multiplier carries over from the triggering game into the Free Spins and can continue to grow throughout the Free Spins. Three or more Scatters retrigger the Free Spins, awarding 2 Free Spins plus 3 for each Scatter beyond the third. Free Spins awarded from Win Exchange will always start with a Wild Portal Multiplier of 1. A Wild Portal is guaranteed to appear in every Free Spin.

Utilize Win Exchange™ to swap your Big Wins for a chance to activate the Free Spins. When you win 75 times your stake or more, you have the option to exchange 75 times your stake for 8 Free Spins. If your win falls between 25 and 75 times your stake, you can exchange the entire win for a chance to receive 8 Free Spins. Note that Win Exchange is not available if the Free Spins have already been triggered.
KING OF CATS is a six-reel video slot with PlayerSelect™. Featuring Big Time Gaming’s Megaways™ with up to 117,649 ways to win. PlayerSelect™ gives players the choice to play between playing the Puma Game or the Lion Game.

In both games, 3 or more Scatters triggers the Free Spins. When Puma wild appears, Puma wild multipliers on that reel increase! Every time a Lion wild appears, all Lion multipliers increase!

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