Embark on a cosmic adventure in this thrilling slot game where powerful gems hold the key to wealth and power. The game features 5 reels, 3 stops, and 10 fixed paylines, all set against a captivating science fiction theme. The central focus of the game revolves around space gemstones, each possessing unique superpowers.

To trigger an exhilarating bonus, keep an eye out for the scatter symbols. Landing 3, 4, or 5 scatter symbols at any position on the reels will unlock a fantastic Free Spins round, providing you with 15 opportunities to spin the reels. What's more, during the Free Spins, your wins will be multiplied by a factor of 3, adding an extra layer of excitement to your interstellar journey. Are you ready to harness the extraordinary powers of these cosmic gems and claim your celestial rewards?

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