Prepare to be captivated by the most epic slot game in the casino world: Troyan Gems! Hold onto your laurel wreaths because Troyan Gems is ready to take you on a wild ride through the pages of ancient history, brimming with more excitement than a chariot race and more gold than Midas himself could handle.

Say goodbye to slot games that leave you yawning! Picture yourself standing before the legendary walls of Troy, ready to spin the reels and embark on an adventure worthy of Homer's tales. With your first spin, the Trojan horse - that cunning wooden masterpiece - peeks out, poised to surprise you with its hidden treasures.

But that's not all! The reels are adorned with symbols of heroes and gods straight from Greek mythology. The enduring love story of Helen and Paris will leave no one untouched. Achilles, wielding his mighty sword and invulnerable heel, stands ready to assist you in striking it rich! And let's not forget Hector, the defender of Troy, guarding your winnings with the ferocity of a three-headed Cerberus.

As the reels spin, you'll be transported to the ancient world, where the clash of swords and the whispers of gods fill the air. And speaking of gods, keep an eye out for their divine intervention! Zeus might just throw a lightning bolt your way, transforming those ordinary spins into legendary wins. Prepare for a gaming experience steeped in the grandeur of ancient Greece!
Editors Choice
Join Gerard Wilde, the black sheep of the renowned Wilde Family, as he sets off on a journey of discovery and redemption to reclaim the honour of his family name.

Venture across the world with Gerard in search of riches and mysteries from the dunes of Egypt to the lost temples of the Mexican rainforests. But be prepared for a bumpy ride – Gerard will risk everything to restore his reputation and be recognised as more than just the family’s wild card…

This exciting new chapter for the Wilde family brings with it an innovative new way to play video slot games. With an expanding reel that increases in size, and with new features as you advance through ten levels, this provides a much more obvious sense of progression through the game.

As a veteran player this represents story advancement and gives you a different way to play than you’ll be used to. If you’re a beginner to video slots, however, this will also provide you with the means to learn how these types of games work, adding features and more paylines to help you get used to the overall mechanics of traditional video slot games.
Book of Poseidon is a 5x3, 10 line video slot featuring Unlimited Free SPins, Expanding Symbols and a Gamble Feature. This game has a fixed number of 10 paylines, you cannot change the number of active paylines.

This game also includes the iconic book-feature where a random symbol is chosen before the free spin feature starts, and will later expand if more than two of this symbol lands on the reels.
Greek warriors are poised to infiltrate Troy using the famous Trojan Horse, a giant wooden hollow statue. It's looting time! Keep an eye out for the Trojan Horse as the reels spin, because three of them will trigger free spins.

Trojan Horse video slot game features 10 fixed paylines, 5 reels, and 3 rows. The Trojan Horse serves as a wild symbol, signaling the time for looting in any given spin! Join the Greek warriors in their strategic conquest and spin your way to victory with the legendary Trojan Horse.

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