Beneath the looming presence of the City of Brass lies an enigmatic secret awaiting discovery. Cradled within a mystical oil lamp rests an ancient entity, stirring from eons of slumber, poised to upend reality with a mere snap of her fingers. Are you prepared for your deepest desires to manifest before your eyes?

Should you desire to see your fantasies materialize, simply caress the lamp and watch as your wishes unfurl before you...

Within the realm of Mystery Genie Fortunes of the Lamp, you'll find yourself entranced by the spinning 5x4 reels, crafting winning combinations of symbols as you navigate the game's myriad features with the aid of the enchanting genie. With a mere flick of her wrist, you'll have the opportunity to harness her ancient powers and claim extraordinary rewards! So, dare to make a wish and brace yourself for an evening of mystique.

With each spin in the base game, anticipate the possibility of the Mystery Genie gracing the reels, infusing her mystical essence into the gameplay. Upon her arrival, the Mystery Symbols will unveil their secrets, revealing additional symbols within. As each revealed symbol synchronizes, the odds of securing a victory increase exponentially. Moreover, the Mystery Symbols may divulge the presence of a Re-spin Symbol or a Sand Rewind Symbol, heightening the suspense and anticipation.

Every Mystery Symbol possesses the potential to imbue the game with an extra dose of genie magic. Enhanced by this supernatural energy, the Mystery Symbol transforms into a Mystery Wild, which may also carry a multiplier ranging from x2 to x5, amplifying potential winnings!

Upon the activation of the Sand Rewind bonus, the Mystery Symbols, along with any Scatters and Mystery Wilds, will momentarily recede, only to reappear locked in place. Subsequently, a Respin ensues, presenting a fresh opportunity to secure victories while retaining these valuable symbols.

Should three Scatter Symbols materialize upon the reels, your wish shall be granted, and you shall be bestowed with eight Free Spins! Throughout this liberating round, all Mystery Wilds shall remain steadfast, akin to the Sand Rewind feature. Furthermore, the appearance of additional Scatter Symbols during Free Spins shall extend the duration of the round, with two, five, and eight additional spins awarded for each occurrence.

Are you prepared to witness your dreams materialize? Then, with a single tap, unleash the mysterious genie's arcane powers and behold the wonders that await!

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