Explore an unparalleled gaming experience with Super Cherry Lock’N’Win, offering an extraordinary array of features and gameplay like never before! With innovative elements like Hold or Step, the game is designed to enhance the player's chances at every turn.

Your objective? Land 3 Star symbols on the reels to unleash the excitement of either the Cherry Collect or Lock’N’Win Feature, where thrilling opportunities and generous rewards await! Get ready for a gaming adventure filled with endless possibilities and unparalleled entertainment!

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About Megaways Games

Progressive Jackpots is a casino game feature found in online slot machines and video slot games, as well as some table games. It is a type of jackpot that increases in value with each bet placed on the game, until it is won by a lucky player.

Progressive jackpots are typically linked across multiple games and even multiple casinos, allowing for the jackpot to grow to large sums. Some progressive jackpots can reach millions of dollars. The chances of winning a progressive jackpot are usually lower than winning a regular jackpot, but the potential payout is much higher.

To win a progressive jackpot, players typically need to hit a certain combination of symbols or trigger a bonus round. Some progressive jackpots are awarded randomly, while others require a certain bet amount to be eligible. Some games also have different levels of progressive jackpots, with the highest level being the most difficult to hit but offering the largest payout.

Progressive jackpots can add an extra layer of excitement to the game, as players have the chance to win life-changing sums of money. Some popular slot games with progressive jackpots include "Mega Moolah" by Microgaming, "Mega Fortune" by NetEnt, and "Jackpot Giant" by Playtech.