Welcome to the most fin-tastic slot game in the seven seas - Fish Store! Dive into an underwater adventure like no other, where the reels are teeming with lively fish, seasoned fishermen, and all the excitement of a day out on the water. With every spin, you'll feel the thrill of the catch as you reel in big wins and epic bonuses!

Forget the same old boring slots, Fish Store is the catch of the day! Our game is packed to the gills with cool features, stunning graphics, and a soundtrack that'll have you humming along as you net those winnings. But what sets Fish Store apart from the rest? Well, it's not just about luck, it's about skill! Channel your inner angler as you strategize your spins and aim for the biggest payouts. Will you cast your line for the elusive Marlin jackpot or go for the school of shiny goldfish for instant wins?

The choice is yours! And let's talk about the atmosphere - it's like being on a fishing trip without ever leaving your seat! Feel the salty breeze in your hair, hear the seagulls squawking overhead, and sense the anticipation as you wait for that next big win to splash down! But beware, matey, for every fisherman knows there's a risk out on the open sea.

Will you go all in and risk it for the biggest haul, or play it safe and reel in those smaller prizes? The adrenaline rush is real as you navigate the choppy waters of chance! So, what are you waiting for? Cast your net and embark on the adventure of a lifetime with Fish Store - where every spin is a reel thrill!
Gold Diggin’ Gus is taking a well-earned break from the dusty mines and invites you to join him on his lucky boat as he enjoys his favourite hobby and looks to hook some tasty wins – it’s Gus Goes Fishin’.
Grab your fishing tackle and bait, climb onboard, and prepare for a fishing expedition that will have you hooked from the very first spin. This adventure isn’t for guppies, so come and catch some big prizes and show off what a big fish you are!

Bring in the Fish is a 5x3, 20-winning lines slot with thrilling features and prizes. The fun begins with the Golden Fish Collect Pots, where landing 3+ golden fish, awards multiplier prizes. Then, net even more cash with up to 15 Free Spins, when 3 or more Scatters appear. It gets even better when 3+ Golden Fish land during the Free Spins to activate the Rising Collect Pots feature, where the multipliers can grow up to 10,000x.

Don’t want to wait for the fish to bite? Use the “Buy Bonus” option to activate the Free Spins anytime during the base game. Start reeling in the big one... Play Bring in the Fish now!
Embrace the holiday vibes and grab yourself a cool cocktail as we head to the beach for a unique slot extravaganza, complete with fruity Free Spins and Happy Hour modifiers – welcome to Tropical Bonanza. Any 8 or more matching symbols anywhere on the gird will trigger a win - all winning combinations will also explode and cascade, allowing more symbols to drop down, often resulting in multiple combination wins.

The Happy Hour modifier can activate randomly on any spin, giving either a Fruit Multiplier, which will multiply all wins by up to 20x, or adding extra shots to the cocktail glass, for a chance to trigger Free Spins. Triggered by filling the cocktail glass or landing 3 or more Scatters, each Free Spin will guarantee at least one Fruit Multiplier lands, with up to 3 possible and the values adding together for a total multiplier of up to 100x.

Tropical Bonanza also has an Extra Juice Bet, for 25% on top of the bet, which increases the chances to trigger Free Spins - as well as a Bonus Buy (where allowed) which will take players directly into the Free Spins bonus.

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