This innovative Jackpot game is set to stand out from the crowd. Packed with all the thrilling features of the standard Wolf Gold game, this new version takes it a step further by being a progressive network jackpot game featuring 4 distinct jackpot levels. Players have the opportunity to secure the Mini, Minor, Major, or the grand Power Jackpot, boasting millions in prizes.

But the excitement doesn't end there – this game introduces a unique community jackpot. Upon winning the Power tier, 50% of the prize money goes to the victorious player, while the remaining 50% is distributed among the last 1,000 players who recently engaged with the game. Anticipated to carry an average prize of €4,500,000, the Power tier ensures substantial rewards for the fortunate winners.

The path to these jackpots unfolds through the exhilarating Powerjackpot round. Transforming all 5 reels into gold triggers our Power Wheel. Here, players can spin the wheel for a chance to win either a multiplier or a combination of a jackpot and a multiplier. This game is truly a worthwhile journey to the American Prairies, promising an engaging and rewarding experience for players.

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