Howdy, partner! Strap in and prepare for the most thrilling adventure in the West with Western Zombie – the most exciting, zaniest slot game to grace the casino floor! Enter a realm where the rugged Wild West collides with the realm of the undead, crafting a gaming experience unlike any other. Brace yourself to evade zombie cowboys and outsmart the undead critters while in hot pursuit of those coveted golden coins!

Imagine this: you're amidst the heart of Texas, encircled by dusty canyons resonating with the eerie moans of zombies. The reels are whirling, and the anticipation mounts quicker than a rattlesnake under the scorching sun! What sets Western Zombie apart from the pack?

Well, partner, it packs more excitement than a runaway stagecoach and more unexpected twists than a concealed treasure in a ghost town. Traverse the Wild West adorned with symbols like Stetson hats, six-shooters, and sticks of dynamite – all with a spine-chilling zombie twist!

Beware of the explosive bombs and sinister grinning skulls – they're not merely ornamental, they're your gateway to monumental wins! Experience the surge of adrenaline as you navigate through the perils of the West, with each spin inching you closer to the exhilarating rush of triumph. "Western Zombie" isn't just a game; it's a voyage, a standoff, and a gamble amalgamated into one! Yet, it's not solely the theme that distinguishes "Western Zombie"; it's the sensation of risk and reward that'll keep you teetering on the brink of your seat.

Every spin presents an opportunity for grand victories, and every triumph warrants jubilation akin to striking gold! Therefore, if you're weary of the same tired slot games and yearn for a rollicking, undead-filled escapade, make your way to the casino and give "Western Zombie" a whirl. This ain't your typical slot game – it's a high-stakes, zombie-infested, Wild West showdown that'll leave you hankering for more!
Get your revolvers ready for a Wild West Zombie shootout with Megaways™ Duel of the Dead BoomBoom! Including Megaways™, Zombies Go Wild, DUEL and the all-new “BoomBoom” gamble feature, this is one of the most exciting slots you’ll ever play!

With its blend of brand new and classic features, Megaways™ Duel of the Dead BoomBoom is an epic showdown not to be missed!
Get your revolvers ready for a Wild West Zombie shootout with Megaways™ Duel of the Dead! Including Megaways™, Zombies Go Wild, Duel and much more, this is one of the most exciting slots you’ll ever play!

Megaways™ dynamic reel heights add to the excitement, again giving a chance for bigger potential wins and with its blend of brand new and classic features, Megaways™ Duel of the Dead! is an epic showdown not to be missed!
98 Bounty Hot 1™ takes players on a adventure to experience the excitement of the Old West. From train robberies to prison breaks, evade the law and make it all the way back to the Mexican border.

Stay one step ahead of the law by collecting Bonus symbols in the base game to unlock new symbol positions, multipliers and bonus features. With a unique variable reel set paying up to 1, 112 ways, use your trusty revolver to shoot your way to freedom.
One hero – TWO great adventures! The result of the industry’s first streamer/developer promotion was co-developed with competition winner CasinoTest24, and is one for the ages. Join our intrepid adventurer, Sadie Swift, as she speeds between two classic slot locations in search of great treasure, and of course, huge potential wins.

Players can choose between two different Free Spins games, each with their own unique mechanic; short cut straight to the Free Spins game via HyperBonus, and choose their own level of volatility with HyperBet! Combining two of the most popular game mechanics with two of the most popular themes; and introducing a compelling new hero, Sadie Swift: Guns‘n Glyphs is two epic adventures in one!

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