Welcome to Aloha Bar, the slot game that whisks you away to a tropical paradise brimming with fun and excitement! Featuring a 3x3 layout and 5 paylines, this game includes a multiplier that can boost your wins up to 3x, a Mystery symbol that awards surprise prizes, and a Collect feature offering free spins on a special field with various multipliers and bonus mystery wins. Aloha Bar provides countless chances to score big wins.
On an island just off the coast there is a club where the passion still burns bright. Carolina dances the night away at the copa, igniting the floor with her spicy salsa moves. Rico and Pedro, the two best salsa dancers at the club, vie for her affections, each wanting to claim the coveted spot by her side as they spin and writhe to the trumpet's song.

Who will be the ultimate victor in this contest of grace and daring? The only way to see is to dance the night away, at the copa! Come and join in on the passion and fun in this 30 line, 5 reel virtual slot game that features exquisitey authentic animations, deliciously spicy salsa music, and 3 progressive jackpots!

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