Welcome to the thrilling universe of Chinese Express! Get ready for an escapade that will send your heart racing faster than lightning! Step into a realm imbued with the magic of ancient China, where every whirl of the reels reveals stunning vistas, traditional symbols of luck like the esteemed 8s, gleaming golden horseshoes, and a shower of prosperous coins. Now, let's delve into the enjoyment!

This game isn't merely entertaining; it's a burst of exhilaration! Feel the excitement as you traverse through the mystical Orient, with each spin offering a fusion of heritage and contemporary thrill. The suspense? It's akin to uncovering a hidden gem at the conclusion of the Great Wall! Yet, Chinese Express isn't your run-of-the-mill slot game; it's the ultimate jackpot waiting at the end of the rainbow!

Prepare yourself for a heart-pounding journey as you're immersed in a realm of risk and reward. Picture this: the reels whirl, your pulse quickens, and with a stroke of luck, those symbols align to unleash a flurry of victories that will leave you rejoicing like a lion at a Chinese New Year celebration! And let's admit it—what could be more thrilling than the sensation of striking it rich in a world adorned with intricate Chinese designs and the allure of boundless wealth?

Chinese Express transcends mere gaming; it's a front-row pass to a dazzling spectacle where the East encounters the slot machine. So, hop aboard the Chinese Express for an unforgettable voyage filled with thrills, winnings as plentiful as a panda's appetite, and an exhilaration that will have you cheering!
Back in ancient times, legend has it, there was a King of Ghosts who made himself a home tucked away near the mountains in faraway China. He would balance his life amongst both the living and the dead, caring and protecting all wandering souls who needed some direction. To this day, locals believe that you can summon this King if you hike to the top of the mountaintops. Only then will he protect you and perhaps lead you to the most enchanted wins.

In this 5-reel 3-row slot game with 20 paylines you'll find Chinese coins, a Chinese fan, a sword, and a golden bat. All prizes are for combinations of a kind. Matching symbols except for the Scatter symbol should be on enabled paylines and adjacent reels, starting from the leftmost.

Scatter wins and line wins are also added. Scatter symbols count on any position on the reels. For the numbers of Scatter symbols and combinations on each enabled payline, only the highest win is paid. All prizes in the paytable are shown for the currently selected bet and the number of enabled paylines in money or credits depends on the currently selected mode.
Taste of China™ will let you experience the cultural richness and beautiful views of Asia. Happiness is at your fingertips when landing 3 goldfish symbols as it grants you 12 Free Spins, during which your dreams can come true.

Ready for an amazing adventure? Embark with buddha to a journey around China and enjoy the richness of colors and beautiful views that are waiting for you. Discover the traditional rites and dishes, and all this will be crowned with high wins. Catch the goldfish and it will fulfill your one wish. Good luck!

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