In this vibrant slot game filled with rainbow hues and nostalgic icons, the excitement never ends. Packed with lively features and sparkling charm, the fruity symbols promise non-stop entertainment. Crazy Free Fruits presents a dynamic 5-reel video slot adventure, showcasing Wild symbols, Free Spins, and Bonus symbols that unlock the thrilling Hold and Win feature.

Bonus symbols that activate the hold and win feature remain fixed in position and kick off with 3 initial respins. Any subsequent bonus symbols also remain in place and reset the respin count back to 3. The hold and win feature concludes if no additional respins are possible or if bonus symbols occupy all 15 positions on the reels.

In free spins mode, landing the full free spins symbol (scatter) grants an extra 5 free spins. A total of 15 free spins can be played within a single free spins feature.

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