Step into the vibrant realm of Megacity, where the urban hustle merges seamlessly with the excitement of spinning slot reels! Immerse yourself in the dynamic chaos of the big city with our electrifying slot game, guaranteed to keep you perched on the edge of your seat.

This high-volatility video slot, comprised of 5×3 reels, transports you to a cyber-punk styled cityscape where diamonds and chips reign as the keys to success. Tune out the clamor of the city's hustle and lose yourself in the Zap! Pots, securing Wilds that will elevate the urban metropolis to unprecedented heights.
Prepare for an unforgettable expedition into the heart of Sin City with Vegas After Hours, a slot game that seamlessly fuses the timeless charm of classic slot machines with the enchanting neon spectacle of the renowned Las Vegas Strip after nightfall.

What distinguishes Vegas After Hours is its tastefully subtle animations. The game comes to life with occasional shifts of light that artfully mimic the dazzling and ever-changing lights of Las Vegas itself. It's akin to stepping back in time, immersing yourself in a retro neon-lit wonderland every time you set the reels in motion.

Yet, Vegas After Hours transcends being just a slot game; it serves as your golden ticket to an electrifying casino escapade that stands unparalleled. So, fasten your seatbelt, prepare for a spin, and let the neon vibes of Vegas After Hours brighten your night with a thrill that promises to linger in your memory!
Symbols that match on a reel cascade and merge into Double and Triple Symbols, progressively expanding the Number of Ways to Win within a single spin, reaching an impressive potential of up to 1 Million Ways to Win!

In the Base Game, three Luxpots Modifiers have the chance to land and influence the outcome of the Luxpots Ladder. Following their impact, these modifiers transform into Luxpots Symbols, contributing to potential Luxpots Wins!

Upgrade - Elevates all ladder values to the tier above, enhancing their worth. Transform - Morphs itself and has the potential to transform a random number of symbols on the reels into Luxpots or other permitted modifiers, boosting Luxpots Prizes. A minimum of 2 Luxpots are awarded. Shuffle - Bolsters a winning ladder prize by exchanging the winning rung with a higher value further up the ladder. The Free Spin feature introduces a distinctive trigger mechanic, where a winning rung coincides with a bonus chance. The bonus chance diminishes rungs with every bonus symbol in view. A single Bonus Symbol alongside Luxpots Symbols is sufficient for activation.

During the Picker Screen, players match 3 picks to determine the number of Free Games awarded.

Platinum Upgrade, exclusive to the Picker Screen, upgrades the entire ladder, enhancing values. Up to 2 Platinums can be won in a Picker Session.

In Free Games, the modifiers Merge, Upgrade, and Platinum Upgrade stack up and persist throughout the entire free games session. Specifically, the Merge modifier causes adjacent rungs to combine, inheriting the highest rung's value. To secure this win, players need either of the two values, thereby increasing their chances. A merge can only occur in Free Games and is limited to once per Free Games session.

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