Step right up, ladies and gentlemen, and brace yourselves for the spooktacular sensation that is Jack Potter Halloween – the slot game so thrilling, it'll have you howling for more! Get ready for a gaming adventure that will send shivers down your spine and pump up your adrenaline faster than a ghost fleeing from a pumpkin patch! This isn't your run-of-the-mill slot game; it's a hair-raising, heart-pounding extravaganza that takes the term "high stakes" to a whole new, terrifying level.

Forget the mundane slots you've played before; Jack Potter Halloween reigns supreme in the slot kingdom. Why settle for the same old, same old when you can spin your way through a world filled with mischievous Jokers, dancing skeletons, and grinning pumpkins that are just dying to help you strike it rich? Get ready for an electrifying experience that will haunt your dreams!
Introducing Joker Lanterns Hold and Win, a spine-tingling 6-reel, 4-row video slot game brimming with spooky excitement across its 40 paylines. Prepare yourself for the sinister allure of the Hold and Win Bonus, as you embark on a quest to capture the elusive Joker Lanterns.

This timeless game guarantees a relentless whirlwind of thrills and bewitching opportunities that will leave you on the edge of your broomstick!
A forest full of Bats, Owls and a Witch? This must be sWITCHed!

The 5 reels bear more than 20 fixed win lines. They are also the home of the Witch who has the ability to see everything in her Crystal ball. This magical item is wild and thus is also important for your wins! Another name of this specific Witch is not sWITCHed without reason as she can „switch“ the symbols which are part of a winning combination with the following symbols to create new wins. 4 or more slides then open up the way to 8 free games.

Being in the free games feature means you walked even deeper into the territory of the Witch. After some time you come to the wheel of fortune which decides the series of free games that is triggered: Either wild symbols wander around on the reels and randomly take positions on them.

Or if a wild symbol appears on one of the reels, it transforms two randomly chosen neighboring positions into wild as well. Or it could also be that a wild symbol shows up and that it expands to cover the whole reel.
Joker Lanterns Hit 'n' Roll, brings even more thrills and spills to hit Joker series of games. Volatility is super high, and the entertainment is non-stop. Including the Hit 'n' Roll bonus wheel feature, classic art style and - of course - lanterns, Joker Lanterns Hit 'n Roll is sure to brighten any player's day!

An engaging mix of classic Vegas style, high volatility and massive potential wins.

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