Tucked away in the furthest corners of the ethereal forest lied an oasis of peace, a magical lake with the purest water. There, the most peculiar birds and forest animals lived in harmony, ruled by a charming nymph who protected them and cared for everyone's wellbeing.

But nothing good lasts forever. One day, the crystal water of the lake turned red, and fear replaced the love and harmony that ruled the land. Even the nymph, whose heart used to be full of light, has turned into a cold, evil spirit. Head to the magical lake and discover the treasures hidden in its depths, but beware of the darkness lurking in the water!

Among the symbols spinning on the reels, you will find sweet lake inhabitants such as a charming frog, playful otter and determined dragonfly together with objects of desire such as a diadem, precious hair comb and a ring with magical pearl.

Spirit of the lake is a 5-reel, 4 -row, 20 lines type of slot featuring Wild, Scatter, Free spins and Multipliers. The winning combination of symbols pays from left to right.

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