All set, it's time to launch into excitement! Let's elevate our game on the path and raise those rewards even higher in this 5x3 slot featuring 15 Fixed Lines!

In Free Spins mode, all BAR symbols vanish.

Players will spin the reels to determine how far they advance along the path, while multiplier reels will also spin. Each of the three paths corresponds to one of the multiplier reels. When landing on a regular square, the current trail's reel prize gets added to the win.

Landing on a x2 or x3 will double or triple that value respectively. Landing on an 'X' will incorporate the related multiplier into the current win, after which players will collect their winnings and return to the main reels. Advancing to the next trail, signaled by an arrow, promises higher rewards as it utilizes a more lucrative multiplier spinner.

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