With its vibrant graphics and immersive gameplay, Jester's Book of Gold will transport you to a world filled with magic and excitement. Spin the reels adorned with symbols of jesters, golden books, and mystical artifacts, as you chase the elusive treasures hidden within.

Unleash the power of the Golden Book as it acts as both a scatter and wild symbol, triggering thrilling bonus features and unlocking incredible opportunities for big wins. Will you unveil the secrets concealed within its pages? As you journey through this whimsical realm, the Jester's witty antics and charm will keep you entertained, while the potential for massive payouts adds an extra level of excitement to your quest.

Will the Jester's Book of Gold bestow its treasures upon you?
The Totem is a powerful symbol and can be found among many ancient and indigenous groups throughout the world.

Totems may represent spirit beings or animals that offer protection. They can be used to signal the Heraldic lineage and tradition of a group or may convey a story important to the groups’ history, marking significant victories or events (in which case they are generally read from the bottom up).

Many commemorate important people and family members, and in some cases they are even used to ridicule people or to serve as a reminder for a debt owed. One notable example of this is the Shame Pole in Tongass village which depicts the 19th century US Secretary of State William H Seward as a reminder of his failure to honour a debt to the Tongass people.

In Totem Link we pay tribute to the Native American Totem tradition. The game offers stacked wild totems on multiple reels, free spins and a coin link feature.

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